Monday, 3 January 2011

Tron (2010)

When is the last time you saw a Disney movie in December? Hard to think isn't it. Normally around this time, each studio breaks out their big guns just in time for Oscar season. But Disney has refrained from doing so for quiet some time........why? And an even bigger 'Why' is, why make this sequel now? Why not 5...10...or even 15 years ago? Many questions surround Disney choices as of late, like spending over $250 million to make an animated feature with "Tangled".......well, if this outcome is anything like that, than we are surely in for a treat.

Okay, regardless of what you may hear or read about this film in the coming weeks, i want you to totally ignore it. Because going into this movie, i read numerous negative reviews, mainly circulating around problems with the script and the amount of depth. But i can tell you this right now......this movie is without a shadow of a doubt, the best 3-D movie i have ever seen. Wait a minute, does that count "Avatar"? bet your ass it does.

Don't get me wrong, i love me some "Avatar". I once said that it was a visual revolution. Well, it seems that it's wake has proceeded it. The best comparison i can give is this......If The Beatles are to Avatar, then Pink Floyd is to Tron. Take that how you will.

Now, what makes this film oh so great? Well, a number of things. First is the amazing visual effects. I'm sure you know what your in store for by just watching the previews, but let me assure you, that is just a small appetizer compared to the feast that awaits you. Within the first 30 minutes of this film, i was literally wiping the drool from my jaw.....and the movie did nothing but get crazier and crazier with it's effects.

Second, is the combination of the set decoration and the musical score, which combined, are hands down the best portion of the movie. Not since "Star Wars" or "Indiana Jones" have i seen a musical score fit the set detail quiet like this. Wait a tick, did i just make another comparison to "Star Wars" and "Indiana Jones"? Once again, you bet your ass i did. This soundtrack is so good, it will convince you to go out and buy it, regardless if there are no words.....yes, it is that good. DaftPunk, i urge you to tackle more projects like this....please, i bet of you.

Now, the story does not match the epic quality as everything else......however, the story is good enough to keep your interest and keep you entertained. In fact, i actually liked the story. Sure it had it's moments where it would slow down from it's vigorous pace.....but thats fine, it doesn't matter. The story is fun, and somewhat engaging, and you piece that together with everything else, and you don't even care if it has minor flaws.

Bottom Line, i will say it once again, just so it can be tattoo'd into your brain. This is easily the best 3-D movie i have ever seen. You don't need to see the first one a thousand times or even once to understand it, and yet it still fits in nicely with the original. I applaud Disney for giving the Director the freedom to make this movie how he saw fit. I don't know who is it charge as of late, but they are making some very bold steps.....bold, and pioneering.


1 comment:

  1. This movie has caught my interest, but I haven't yet had the time to watch it. I'm attending a Film appreciation class and this seems like a movie, being how the visuals are so great, for me to watch for my class. Thanks for the informaning review!
