Sunday, 19 September 2010

Wall Street - Money never sleeps

So first things first, I haven't seen the original Wall Street film from 1987 and know little to nothing about the market itself. Oliver Stone, who is certainly a very talented director, hasn't really made a film that I've loved. Considering all these factors, I was wondering how Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps would measure up. While a good portion of the film seemed to take solace in the massive amount of stock market jargon spewed throughout its entire duration, hiding underneath that layer of the film was where Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps truly shined.

The first forty five minutes or so of the film come off as slightly convoluted. It almost feels intentionally overly complicated in its execution, but once the film starts to present itself as more of a revenge tale for Jacob Moore and focuses on the relationship between Gordon and Winnie Gekko things begin to get a bit more interesting.

Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps is full of nothing but solid performances from the entire cast. The only weak link of the bunch was Carey Mulligan who seemed to just cry every time she was on screen. Michael Douglas steals the spotlight every time he's given screen time. This is the type of role he was meant to play. While Shia LaBeouf has shown in the past that he has some untapped potential as an actor, he really steps it up here and this could be the best performance of his career so far. The on screen chemistry between these actors is unbelievably strong. Any scene involving Josh Brolin and Shia LaBeouf conversing with one another is one of the best in the film. There's also the scene where Douglas is pleading with Mulligan to give him another chance as a father that is incredibly memorable. Watching the relationship between LaBeouf and Mulligan fall apart is really powerful, as well. This stellar cast is near perfect for this film.

While Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps starts off as a purposely baffling drama that revolves around the stock market and is somehow more talkative and dialogue driven than a Tarantino film, the film evolves into a rather intricate tale of revenge that is driven by nothing but strong performances all around. The film is worth seeing for Michael Douglas and Shia LaBeouf alone, but Frank Langella and Josh Brolin certainly have their moments as well. Even if you have no interest in this film, it's still worth giving a chance. It might surprise you.

Overall 8/10


  1. Nice movie awesome review :)

    Showing my supp :)Check my blog

  2. This did look like a good movie from the previews... guess I'll have to check it out!

  3. I'm looking forward to it!

    Sorry for lack of Support! Very busy

    Showing 9/20 Love!

  4. Doesn't look like my kind of movie. Nice review though.

  5. great post, supported and looking for some return love.

    my blog

  6. great post. will come back daily

  7. Seemed like it would be good...probably won't beat Inception but I'll give it a try. Thanks for the review!
